I just came across this video introduction to social media marketing. I like it. And I am very happy that many small and local businesses are catching on the great benefits social media bring to their marketing strategies.
7 Ways to Build Your Startup Business Using YouTube
A Star is Born You’ve probably seen it. I think everyone has seen it. Well, at least 47,508,506 people have. I’m talking about Susan Boyle’s performance of “I dreamed a dream” on YouTube. She sang the song as part of a competition on the British television show Britain’s Got Talent. It hit YouTube on April […]
Will Technorati Allow Me to Claim My Site?
Technorati is a huge directory of blogs. It’s the biggest of its kind. And being listed there is a big deal. I submitted jeffyoung.me to Technorati over a month ago. After submission, Technorati needs to verify that you are the blog owner. It should be an easy process, right? Well, it’s not. I’ve done this […]
5 Questions You Need to Ask When Starting a Blog
I’ve met many people who have wonderfully creative thoughts that they want to share with the world. They are passionate about something and they want to share that passion. Blogging seems like the natural answer. There’s just one problem, though.
A podcast for my business?
Good question. But perhaps we should start with the question, “What is a podcast?” Simply put, podcasts are “internet radio shows.” That’s not a perfect definition, but many non-podcast-listening folks can easily understand it. Some refer to podcasting as audio blogging. Podcasts are usually produced with a relatively simple and inexpensive setup. Usually in one’s […]
Social Media Revolution 2.0
Here it is. It really is unbelievable. Things are developing so quickly. Life just doesn’t stand still, does it? Especially when we talk about technology. Social media is here to stay, folks. It is transforming life as we know it. Every aspect of life.