Did you know that there are jobs today that did not exist 10 years ago? 5 years ago? Even a year ago?
Technology is changing not only the way we do business, but also business itself. Business is not the only thing that is changing, however. Education is changing too.
What are we educators doing to prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s world?
As a teacher and a social media fanatic, I have witnessed the reluctance of many administrators and teachers to embrace new technology as a way to connect with “the learner.” Not everybody. But I have seen a general fear of new technology. Perhaps it’s just overwhelming.
Is there a way to bring social media into the classroom to connect more effectively with students, thereby enabling them to learn more effectively?
I think so.
There is more to come on this topic. But, until then, check out this video on the impact of social media on the “traditional” education model. It’s well worth a view.